It’s a feeling more than anything else…


To be honest, I don’t think that there are very many things more egotistical than starting your own blog. Honestly just horrible. But here I am, so make whatever conclusions about me you like.

I am using squarespace to make this website, so it is currently being constructed around a template for a fishing lifestyle brand. So, if you notice that parts of this site try to tell you where to fish, that is why that is. As of right now, I am banking on finding atmospheric success within the next 15 days because that is how long my free trial is.

I am going to try this out because there has been a kernel of an idea rattling around the burnt popcorn bag of my brain for the past 7 months or so, and I figure that it is time to at least try to see that idea through. What that idea is you ask? I am about to explain. Will I frequently use rhetorical questions? Yeah probably.

It is a feeling more than anything else. When at some point in your pleasantly ordinary day to day life something, whether it is an image, a sound an idea, or likely some combination of all three, moves you from your resting point. Like a paper cut breaking through the dead, dried, false outer-skin and cutting down to real living flesh; when something, some message, some combination of sight and sound, breaks through your walls and reminds you that you are real, that you are here, and what that really feels like. Almost like you’re remembering something from when you were really a kid, or like a funeral where you can’t quite cry but you know you should. Some strange vibration in your chest or the back of your skull, like someone you’ve never met but always known is whispering right into your ear. I swear sometimes it feels just like that.

That feeling: the word, the noise, the vision, is something special, something bigger than any one movie, any work of poetry, any symphony, any graffiti mural on the the underground rails, and yes, bigger than one 19.9 year old film student’s fucking blog. It is the sum total of all creative work, artistic and otherwise, and it is why I am here. Because, I am a 19.9 year old film student, and for right now, a blog is what I’ve got. So, let’s make it work.