Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan


I wrote this while crossing the street.

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Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan

I remember thinking that the past and future were strings pulling you in both directions.

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Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan

Human Nature and Private Space

Privatized space, while quickening our technological development, may undermine hopes for unselfish exploration in the interest of market gain.

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Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan

The Measure of it All

I was obsessed with every numerical measure of size or quantity or speed, like the whole world was in some strange contest for the biggest, the fastest, and the most.

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Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan

Look at this or it’s meaningless

Who needs to read some tired book some random guy wrote, or look at some weird painting that doesn’t even look that much like anything anyway?

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Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan


I had the idea a few weeks ago that it would be a good idea to jump on the NFT bandwagon to get a shortcut to fabulous personal wealth and indefinite prosperity.

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Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan

Tom and Jerry

So I am doom-scrolling through the endless void of media that I live in and I come across one particularly galling headline from the one and only “ Are You Watching the Justice League Snyder Cut or Tom and Jerry?”

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Thomas Sullivan Thomas Sullivan

Making it Work

Here is were I might put words and phrases in such a sequence that it is pleasing to the reader.

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